Meet the Artist Monday: Madeleine Holly-Rosing

Name(s)Holly_Rosing_Boston_Metaphsical_01small.jpg: Madeleine Holly-Rosing

The writer/creator of the Boston Metaphysical Society graphic novel series, companion novel, and short stories, Madeleine has also run a number of successful crowding campaigns and published the book, Kickstarter for the Independent Creator.  She was also the winner of the Sloan Fellowship for screenwriting, and the Gold Aurora and Bronze Telly for a PSA produced by Women In Film as well as having won numerous awards while completing the UCLA MFA Program in Screenwriting.  Source Point Press is set to publish the first six issues and the trade paperback of Boston Metaphysical Society original graphic novel in 2019/2020.

Boston Metaphysical Society webcomic was the recipient of an Honorable Mention at the 2013 Geekie Awards and was nominated for Best Comic/Graphic Novel in 2014. The comic has also been nominated for a 2012 Airship Award as well as a 2013, 2014 and a 2015 Steampunk Chronicle Reader’s Choice Award. Her novella, Steampunk Rat, was also nominated for a 2013 Steampunk Chronicle Reader’s Choice Award.

Other comic projects include the short story, The Scout (The 4th Monkey anthology), The Sanctuary (The Edgar Allan Poe Chronicles anthology), The Marriage Counselor (Cthulhu is Hard to Spell anthology) and the upcoming The Airship Pirate (The Rum Row anthology) and The Birth, (Stan Yak Vampire anthology).

The first novel in the series, Boston Metaphysical Society: A Storm of Secrets, was awarded a Silver Medal in the SciFi/Fantasy category as well as The Write Companion Award for Best Overall TOP PICK – Adult, Children’s and Young Adult categories in the Feathered Quill 2019 Book Awards.

Formerly a nationally ranked epee fencer, she has competed nationally and internationally. Madeleine is an avid reader of comics, steampunk, science fiction, fantasy, and historical military fiction.

Tell us about your work: For those not familiar with the series, it’s about an ex-Pinkerton detective, a spirit photographer, and a genius scientist who battle supernatural forces in late 1800s Boston.

Boston007 coverfinal2 [Recovered]It began as a TV Pilot I wrote when I was in the MFA Screenwriting Program at UCLA.  A friend suggested that I adapt it into a graphic novel. I took his advice, went back to school to learn how to write a comic and then produced the six issue mini-series. I know that makes it sound kind of easy, but it was anything but. I went through nine different artists before I found Emily and it took five years to produce all six issues while traveling to sell at conventions, learning how to run successful Kickstarters (and write a book about it), and maintaining the website. So whew!

Since the original series was completed, I’ve produced three short graphic novel sequels (The Scourge of the Mechanical Men, The Spirit of Rebellion, and Ghosts and Demons), as well as an anthology of short stories and novellas as well as a prequel novel and a coloring book all set in the Boston Metaphysical universe.

Tell us about the piece you are promoting:  Boston Metaphysical Society: The Complete Series trade paperback is the original six issue mini-series which includes the short story, Hunter-Killer. (The short story is exclusive to the trade paperback. The art is by Emily Hu with coloring by Gloria Caeli and Fahriza Kamaputra.)

The Boston Metaphysical Society: The Complete Series (Source Point Press) will be available to order from your local comic book store or Source Point Press starting March 27. So please support your local comic book store and Source Point today!


Where can we find you on Social Media?

Social Media:





Any live events you will be at this year? If so when and where/link if available:

Clockwork Alchemy. Hyatt Regency SFO, Burlingame. March 20-22

WonderCon. Anaheim Convention Center. April 10-12

Denver Pop Culture. Denver Convention Center.  July 2-5

San Diego Comic Con. San Diego Convention Center. July 22-26

Rose City Comic Con. Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR.  Sept. 11-13

LA Comic Con. Los Angeles Convention Center (Source Point Booth). Sept. 25-27

Gaslight Expo. Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego. Oct. 1-4

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